Mukesh Choudhary is a professional cricket from India. The 27 year old, Rajasthan born player looking forward to make his place in the Indian playing XI in the upcoming year. Before becoming part of the Indian Premier League, he played and performed well with his Ranji Trophy team (Maharashtra).
How Much Is Mukesh Choudhary Net Worth?
Based on contract deal with Ranji Trophy team and IPL contract with Chennai Super Kings, Mukesh Choudhary net worth reported to be $200k. It's been three years since Mukesh Choudhary part of the CSK team. Further details regarding to Mukesh Choudhary updated if he signed new deal in Future with any other IPL team.
How Much Mukesh Choudhary Salary in IPL?
The figure of the IPL players salaries that were reported back in year 2022, according to that Mukesh Choudhary currently hold contract worth of $25k a year which remain same for year 2024.